Historische Baustoffe Antikholz
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Historical fittings - window and door accessories

Set highlights with old blacksmithing

Accessories for doors and windows

Resandes is a reliable supplier of historical fittings and accessories for doors and windows.

With our fittings in different styles, you can also find the right accessories for your project. Our range includes, among other things, door hinges, box locks, window fittings, lock sets, artistic window olives, angle hinges and paddle hinges.

Please feel free to contact us and let us advise you!

Historical fittings - window and door accessories

Purchase of historical fittings

We are permanently interested in purchasing old fittings! If you have historical fittings for sale, please feel free to send us an offer.

Simply use our form to purchase historical building materials for your offer.

We look forward to your offer!