Historische Baustoffe Antikholz
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Frequently asked questions

Answers about our offer


Frequently asked questions about our historic building materials and our offering

Of course, you can also order from us as a private individual.

m² = lengths x width


A board is 2.00 m long and 0.20 m wide. 
Calculation: 2.00 m x 0.20 m = 0.4 m²

m³ = lengths x width x height


A beam is 2.00 m long, 0.20 m wide and 0.22 m high. 
Calculation: 2.00 m x 0.20 m x 0.22 m = 0.088 m³

Salvage condition means you will receive the goods in their original condition. 
Ready for installation means that you will receive the goods in the prepared condition that you require, e.g. E.g.:

Brushed surface

The surface of the wood is treated with a rotating nylon brush. This causes soft wooden parts and dirt to come off the surface, while the hard components remain and define a structured surface.

Edges trimmed

Is the straight cutting of the original edges of the boards (tree edges). Edged boards therefore enable easier and gap-free installation.

Planed on the back

The underside of the wood is processed by removing chips from the material with the planer blade. The goal is to smooth the surface and bring the boards to a uniform thickness.

Tongue and groove

The groove is a depression on the side of the component, the tongue, in turn, is a kind of protruding wedge that fits into the groove like a key into a lock. The spring can be attached directly to the board or inserted as a separate part (external tongue).

The imperial format, with dimensions of 25 x 12 x 6.5 cm, is significantly smaller than the monastery format with approx. 27 x 14 x 7 cm.

What does empire format mean?

For thousands of years, bricks were only made by hand, but industrialization in the 19th century created the prerequisites for bricks to be manufactured industrially and transported over long distances. 
In 1872, the so-called “Reichsformat” for bricks was introduced by law in Germany. This initially served as the norm for state buildings in the North German Confederation. Due to its cost-effectiveness, the imperial format gradually became established throughout the entire empire as well as in private buildings. In the period 1850 and 1950, most of the bricks were made in the imperial format.

What does monastery format mean?

The monastery format, probably developed by monks in the 12th century, was the preferred brick format of the Middle Ages. It does not represent a uniform system; rather, the dimensions of the hand-made stones differed quite considerably within the individual monastery building schools. The average dimensions varied from 28 cm × 15 cm × 9 cm to 30 cm × 14 cm × 10 cm. In individual cases the height could even be up to 12.5 cm.


You can install our old wood directly as delivered by us. The color of the surface no longer changes indoors. 
(The old wood could darken slightly if exposed to long-term sunlight).


If the old wood is installed on a weather side where it is heavily exposed to the weather, the wood will gray more over time. 
On the weather-protected side, the wood will acquire a browner tone over time. (Sunburned) 
If the old wood is installed in a covered outdoor area, the surface and color will largely not change.

Wet area

If you ensure that your substructure has sufficient ventilation and the wood does not come into direct (permanent) contact with water, you can easily install our waste wood in damp rooms. 
Because the wood can absorb and release moisture, you even get a better indoor climate.

In the drying chamber, the heat of over 60 °C kills existing wood pests as well as bacteria, mold and their spores. The drying chamber is therefore an environmentally friendly pest control.

As soon as your order is ready for shipment, you will receive an email from us when your order will be handed over to the shipping company or parcel service. 

Samples such as lanterns and windows are sent via parcel service. You will receive an email from the respective parcel service regarding the planned delivery date. You receive our old wood boards, beams, granite slabs and bricks packed on pallets by a shipping company. 

Depending on the quantity and length of your order or your local conditions, we commission the appropriate transport company. The shipping company will contact you approximately one day in advance either by phone or text message to arrange a delivery date.

Our old beams are available in cross sections from approx. 10 x 11cm to approx. 26 x 28 cm and in lengths from 1.00 to 10.00 m. Reclaimed wood beams are more rectangular and not square (e. g. 12 x 14 cm). Accordingly, the invoice amount may differ slightly from the offer, as the invoice is only created after the exact measurements have been taken. Our old beams date back to the time when there were no machine saws. The round tree trunks were chopped into square shapes into lumber by hand with an axe.

ResAnDes - Service

You have further questions? Please feel free to contact us using our contact details.

We look forward to being able to help you!